
Plans for a return to campus and resuming research is currently underway via Project Restart, our campus-wide effort to return to on-campus living, learning, and working. Featuring working groups that involve over 100 faculty, staff, students, and postdocs, these teams are envisioning how we can return each specific element of university life to on-campus operations. These teams are planning in great detail, considering contingencies and preparing us to be both nimble and thorough, safe and prudent, in our approach to return to full operations as soon as possible.

For more information on our progress, please visit our webpage and The Office of Research.  For comprehensive information, resources, and support, please visit the main USC COVID-19 website.

To apply for Postdoc Emergency Funding, please visit our application site.

Additional postdoc updates will also be posted here.


Congratulations and welcome to the Trojan Family!

You are joining USC at a pivotal moment in our history.  As one of the world’s great research universities, we believe our highest responsibility is to serve the global public good.  A primary way we do this is by advancing our research mission with the full participation of outstanding postdoctoral scholars like you!

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While most young postdoctoral scholars work in the sciences, engineering, medicine and other health-related fields, USC recognizes the increasingly important role of postdoctoral training in other fields.  The Postdoctoral Scholars in the Humanities program supports scholars in the humanities and humanistic social sciences through USC’s Society of Fellows in the Humanities, which includes cultural events, seminars, presentations and support from outstanding faculty mentors across the university.

In addition, while you are here, we hope you will participate in our Postdoctoral Association.  The Association receives funding from the Office of the Provost to enrich the postdoctoral community through professionalization and social events.  We also invite you to take advantage of all the events that happen on campus every day.  We especially invite you to attend Visions and Voices events – an events list is available online.

We are delighted you have chosen USC at this critical stage of your life and we look forward to helping you succeed and advance your career.


Elizabeth Graddy Elizabeth Graddy, Ph.D.
Executive Vice Provost 
Jeffrey J. Miller Chair in Government, Business and the Economy and Professor of Public Policy in the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy